Telehealth sessions available for all New Yorkers

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About Stephanie McKinney, LCSW

Stephanie McKinney is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker specializing in the treatment of OCD and other anxiety related disorders. She earned her B.A. in Psychology from Stony Brook University in 2008, an MSW from New York University's School of Social Work in 2010, and an M.Ed in Applied Behavior Analysis from Arizona State University in 2020. Stephanie is a native New Yorker who grew up in a suburban Long Island town. With both urban and suburban living experiences, Stephanie is uniquely attuned with the specific social and cultural expectations that come with residing in New York. As a telehealth practitioner, she is able to provide treatment to anyone residing in the state of New York. 

For more than a decade, Stephanie has worked to help individuals develop coping strategies and make meaningful changes in their lives. She is passionate about the use of evidence based therapy treatments, and integrates CBT and ERP during sessions. She also believes in looking at "the whole picture" when working with her clients. Often, symptoms of anxiety can have an impact on social and familial relationships, career, and overall happiness. Stephanie's goal is to seamlessly blend therapeutic strategies to facilitate personal growth and help each client actualize their potential.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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