Telehealth sessions available for all New Yorkers

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My Treatment Approaches

My treatment approach includes the welding together of several evidence based treatments in order to help facilitate client growth and remediation of symptoms. Because the experiences, symptoms and needs of each client are different, I focus on providing a thorough assessment to determine what therapeutic strategies will be most beneficial. This is not a "one fits all" model; rather, we are going to work together to set goals, identify your needs and implement strategies that specifically work for you. 

I am trained as a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP) and also a Certified Level 2 TEAM-CBT Clinician, which makes me highly trained at implementing therapies that have been proven effective at reducing symptoms of anxiety and OCD.

Integration Of Technology For Telehealth

I have found that implementing the use of virtual sessions has not impacted the quality of the therapeutic relationship nor my clients' ability to succeed in making meaningful change. One of the benefits of telemedicine is that we have a seamless ability to communicate in between our therapy sessions. I use an app that allows me to directly send you homework assignments, educational information, therapeutic activities and assessments. Your responses are sent back to me immediately, which allows us to stay connected and focused on your goals on days that we aren't scheduled to meet. My number one priority is providing you with high quality care where you feel supported, regardless of any physical distance that exists between us.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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